Monday 21 January 2013

About Anne Hill Music Studio

About Me:

I am a music teacher with 30 years’ experience teaching both privately and as a music specialist in the public school system. I teach piano, classical and acoustic guitar, and music theory. My students have won numerous awards and honours.

I'm passionate about the importance of learning music. Learning to play an instrument brings joy, a sense of achievement, relieves stress, and helps develop  positive mental habits and abilities such as self-confidence, self-discipline, time management skills, goal-setting, and perseverance. Studies show that for children, learning an instrument leads to enhanced cognitive development and fine motor skills. For older people, playing an instrument can help reduce mental decline associated with agingPlaying music with other people is lots of fun, and helps develop lasting social relationships. 

My Teaching Philosophy:

I believe strongly in each student's unique potential. My students are my valued clients, and I tailor my teaching to suit each student’s needs, learning style, and goals.  I  believe in empowering my students to be creative, independent, to think for themselves, and to believe in themselves. I teach students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

With my help, you can:
  • Prepare for RCM Exams in piano, guitar, and theory
  • Play popular music
  • Play in ensembles and duets
  • Perform in recitals and Music Festival
  • Learn to play by ear

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